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RUF wood briquettes

RUF wood briquettes are a fully eco-friendly solid fuel that can be used in fireplaces, cookers and boilers to provide efficient heating.

RUF briquettes are made from a mixture of coniferous and deciduous tree sawdust, without the use of any binding agents. This makes them an environmentally friendly heat source. We encourage you to take a look at our offer and choose a better energy source.

Wood briquettes in cubes

RUF briquettes are made under high pressure, which guarantees their compact structure and long burning time.

The name 'RUF' comes from the German company 'RUF Briquetting Systems', which is one of the world's leading manufacturers of briquetting machines. RUF machines are distinguished by advanced pressing technology, which guarantees the high quality and durability of the briquettes.

The briquettes produced with RUF machines have a characteristic cubic shape, which ensures easy storage and transportation.

RUF briquettes as an alternative to wood

More and more people who have so far used standard wood to heat their homes are opting for RUF wood briquettes. This is definitely a more favourable option as the calorific value of the briquettes we offer is very high at over 19 MJ/kg. Moreover, the ash produced when burning this type of fuel is only 0.7% of its weight. This makes it possible to obtain considerably more heat than with heating using standard wood.

Wood briquettes in practical, small cubes are definitely more convenient to use than wood – all the briquettes are of the same size, which allows them to be put in a boiler or fireplace without any problems. On top of this, the RUF fuel cubes are easy to store as they can be quickly arranged into a handy stack.


Top-quality coniferous and deciduous wood briquettes from a reliable source

The RUF wood briquettes from Biomasa Partner Group are made from the best raw material: selected sawdust from hardwood and coniferous wood. In their production, we do not use any artificial substances, which could adversely affect both the health of the users and the environment, for bonding. Instead, using innovative production methods, we press sawdust under high pressure. As a result, we can offer safe fuel that will work great when burned in fireplaces and heating boilers. It can also be successfully used as briquettes for the fireplace – its handy size is ideal for storing at home without taking up too much space. A unit pack of our RUF briquettes contains 12 cubes and has a total weight of 10 kg.

Deciduous and coniferous wood briquettes – price

This type of fuel is sold on a pallet, which holds 96 packs with a total weight of 960 kg. The briquettes are secured on the pallet with stretch film and fastened with straps. It is worth remembering that wood briquettes are much more efficient than standard wood. This means that buying an entire pallet of cubed briquettes will cover your fuel needs for a much longer period of time than would be the case with wood. What is more, wood briquettes are a much cheaper solution than other types of heating such as gas, electric or oil heating, the costs of which are rising each year. RUF cubes also perform far better than coal. Their burning time is much longer, so the desired high temperature does not drop too quickly.

For current RUF briquette prices, please visit our online store: WOOD BRIQUETTE PRICE

Fireplace briquettes – what are the benefits?

Choosing RUF wood briquettes instead of firewood first of all guarantees higher heating performance compared to standard wood. However, this is not the only advantage of this type of energy source for fireplaces. RUF cubes do not require drying (their moisture content is less than 6%), light without any problems and do not produce smoke.

This will ensure that the flue remains clean for a long time. It is also worth noting that the ash content of produced by RUF cubes is almost zero at just 0.7%, and these small amounts can be used as fertiliser for plants.

Wood-based fireplace briquettes are also easy to store – they can be easily stacked thanks to the standardised size of the cubes. What is more, each piece weighs less than a kilogram, which means putting them in a stove or fireplace is no problem, even for the elderly.

Wood briquettes for barbecues – advantages

RUF wood briquettes are an eco-friendly, efficient and convenient solution for anyone seeking an effective heat source. They are perfect for fireplaces, stoves and barbecues alike, ensuring long-lasting and even burning. The convenient brick form makes the briquette easy to store and handle. They are being chosen more and more often for preparing food on a barbecue instead of charcoal. Wood briquettes provide a stable and even temperature, which is crucial when barbecuing. Maintaining a constant temperature allows you to better control the cooking process and avoid burning.

Wood briquettes are easy to ignite and generate less smoke compared to standard wood, making barbecues more enjoyable and comfortable. Their moisture content is low, which contributes to better combustion efficiency and reduces smoke emissions. Their low moisture content and minimal ash content contribute to clean combustion, reducing the need for frequent cleaning of the stove or barbecue. Another unquestionable advantage of RUF briquettes is their long burning time – thanks to their compact structure, the briquettes burn slowly and evenly, making it possible to barbecue for longer without the need to frequently add fuel.

Briquettes for home stoves

RUF wood briquettes are the perfect choice for home stoves, providing efficient and convenient heating. Manufactured from high-quality sawdust and wood shavings, RUF briquettes have a high calorific value and low ash content, making it easy to use and maintain the stove. Thanks to their compact form and fixed dimensions, they are easy to store and handle. Their eco-friendly properties and longer burning time make them an effective, efficient and environmentally friendly form of heating in single-family homes.

Blends of deciduous wood sawdust in the production of wood briquettes

A mixture of sawdust from deciduous trees, used in the production of wood briquettes, is an excellent choice for those seeking an efficient and environmentally friendly fuel. Sawdust from deciduous trees, such as oak, beech or maple, has a high calorific value and low ash content, which translates into longer burning times and easier cleaning. Thanks to its natural origin, this mixture not only provides intense heat but is also environmentally friendly, thus providing an excellent alternative to traditional fuels. By choosing wood briquettes made from deciduous wood sawdust, you are investing in efficiency, heating comfort and the environment.

The eco-friendly way to achieve efficient heating – RUF wood briquette cubes

By choosing wood briquettes, we are not only supplying our customers with a fuel whose calorific value is very high, but we are also taking care of the environment. This is because RUF cubes are made exclusively from sustainable ingredients: sawdust, which is produced by sawing timber at our sawmill in Chociwel. There are no artificial additives in our heating products as we ensure that no harmful substances enter the air. We encourage you to use every element of our product, even after it has been used up. It is a good idea to use the small amounts of ash produced when burning RUF cubes as a natural fertiliser for plants. As you can see, living in harmony with nature can be simple and efficient, and our products will help achieve this. Check out our range of products and see for yourself how much benefit RUF wood briquettes can bring.

Phone: + 48 (63) 245 59 29 biuro@biomasapartner.pl